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Dublin Ireland Additional Slots 1:1 & 2:1 Coaching

  • DSC Gym Lucan, Co. Dublin ireland (map)

The Saturday lifting camp in Dublin is now fully booked.

Either side of the camp (Saturday), on Friday and Sunday, I have some limited slots open for 1:1 or 2:1 coaching if you missed booking onto the camp.

1:1 & 2:1 coaching in the Starting Strength Method.

The fastest way to learn the barbell lifts and excellent for keeping your lifting form tuned up.

Open to beginners and experienced lifters.

1:1 Coaching is the best option if you have begun training but never been coached before, or if you need to learn the barbell lifts from start. Price £315

2:1 Coaching is ideal if you have been coached by an SSC in the past, and if you also have a training partner that has been coached in Starting Strength and you want to come together.
•If you are a couple and both wish to learn the method together (from start) we can also discuss this option. Price £225 per person.

If in doubt register with an email and we can speak to discuss the best training option for you.